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At the school
Open file
"Why Stanford? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What was the most recent book you have read?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Very specific questions about my background and philosophy" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Most of the questions related specifically to my file." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What makes you special?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"This was my last interview so I just re-read my application to refresh." Report Response
"They knew who I was as soon as I walked in. I always think that is really nice, especially when you have come from far away. It seems like the students were very well treated and EVERYONE I talked to loved Stanford. While I was there I thought it was fishy, but after doing a ton of research on their programs, I understood why. Also the weather and campus was beautiful. After visiting all of the dank and urban places in the US where most medical centers are, I came to appreciate the sunshine. Hey, If I have to spend half a decade somewhere, why not go to a top school that is also in a nice place?" Report Response
"At first I was not sold on the 5 year curriculum. But then I did some investigating. If you do the 5 year plan, you will probably only pay for 3 years since they pay for the research year and the 5th year is "free" (incredibly low tuition) It is totally possible to do it in 4 years, but why not have the option if they are willing to give it you. Also it is very possible to pick up a masters during that extra year, so it is not "wasted" at all." Report Response
"I would have been more nervous if I knew that Stanford was my first choice. My ignorance was bliss!" Report Response
"Really neat place, but you really need to investigate why Stanford does some of the seemingly strange things they do like the 5-year plan and the scholarly concentrations. They are really looking out for their students, bit while you are interviewing, that is not always obvious." Report Response
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