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60+ minutes
At the school
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"Why medicine, when you're a liberal arts major?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why VCU?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Describe your clinical and research experiences. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"The questions were all pretty straightforward, and standard. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Studentdoctor.net, Interview feedback, mock interview with friends, read up on bioethics and medical current issues" Report Response
"Everything! VCU is surprisingly dynamic in its curriculum and its facilities are undergoing an extensive renovation -- most of the campus should look completely different by the time I potentially get there in 2 years..." Report Response
"Cafeteria food :(" Report Response
"That Dr. Lawrence was so cool :)" Report Response
"This was an interview for the Preferred Applicant Track, VCU's Early Admit program with VCU's undergrad. Honors Program, so I was a soph. in college when I interviewed. I know that VCU is my first choice, and this confirmed it. My interviewer was very casual, asking me the normal questions while also keeping the interview conversational and friendly. The tour was excellent...I fell in love all over again :)" Report Response
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