6 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"How could I make an impact on other kids from the inner-city who see no future outside of dealing?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"My entire interviews were conversational and almost everything was from my prsonal statement and ECs. Pretty straightforward." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read up on my interviewer's research." Report Response
"The medical center there was awesome. The shock trauma building was really high tech and pretty hairy. We really went through alot of "restricted access" parts of the hospital and got to see alot. Maybe it was just the student who led us around." Report Response
"It's PBL but it's still graded? For that and other reasons, the cirriculum seems to be lagging behind to me. Also there's a fixed rural medicine rotation in fourth year. Good if you want to do primary care, but I don't." Report Response
"I never knew that the U of MD hospital system was so advanced. Where I'm from all we know about Baltimore is Hopkins, but the University of Maryland has an excellent health system itself." Report Response
"One MD interview, 1 hour, totally laid back conversation. One MD/PhD interview, 1/2 hour. The MD/PhD interview was me sitting in the middle of a table with five big shots sitting around me firing questions at me for about a half hour and trying not to give any reactions to them (I warmed them up eventually). That was a bit stressful, but none of the questions were out of left field. Just know your personal statement, ECs, and research and you'll be fine. If you are an MD only candidate or if you don't have a personal statement you can talk about for an hour you might wanna check out the MD only reviews since I'm sure they could pull stuff out of left field for you :)" Report Response
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