1 out of 10
40 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"Tell me about yourself...was the first question. Describe an instance in which you overcame adversity, and what did you learn from it?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I was asked about current events...just to see if I kept up with them. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"The avg MCAT for first years at Meharry is ~8 (in each sxn). However, Meharry students, in the past five years, have scored well above the national avg on parts I, II of the boards. Also, for the past couple years, the top score in the nation on USMLE step I, II has come from a Meharry student......EAT YOUR HEART OUT JOHNS HOPKINS, HARVARD, STANFORD, and the rest of you pompous schools." Report Response
"The students seem to love Meharry. I think its a great learning environment...everyone is there to help you. Great student support services. The facilities where the med students take courses are rather small, but they get the job done. Also, Nashville General was not terribly impressive, but it too gets the job done. The students get excellent exposure to rural medicine and they learn how to serve your everyday avg Joe. I don't think this can be said for most other schools. Anyway, my first interview sucked. The guy discussed himself the whole time. The student interview was great. She presented me with an ethical scenario and wanted my opinions, then asked me traditional questions..why Meharry? Is Meharry your top choice? How are you prepared to serve the underrepresented populations? AND finally, my third interview, with a faculty member went very well. It was relaxed and we talked about everything from healthcare dilemmas to the recent sniper shootings. " Report Response
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