4 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"No really intresting questions" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why did your sophomore year grades suck?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, Web Page, Talking to current students and faculty" Report Response
"The tour and the generally happy nature of the students. They were all willing to answer questions and were very nice." Report Response
"The interview itself." Report Response
"Not much, this is my first chioce so I had done quite a bit of research." Report Response
"The school, carriculum, and students are great. Everyone is very honest and open about the school. The interview itself was a bit of a let down. I had heard that Case interviews were laid-back and largely conversational. My interviewer didn't seem all that happy to be there an asked me some very boring questions, "why medicine?" "What have you done to confirm your desire to pursue a medical career?" etc. The interviewer gave me some good insights into the school and admissions process, so that was nice. The school is great, still my #1 choice, but the interview was just blah." Report Response
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