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"Was there ever a defining moment when I knew that medicine is something that I would want to go into?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What do I base my beliefs and standards on?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Did I have a favorite and least favorite undergrad class, and why?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Concerning the future of genetic manipulations, if you and your future wife learned that you would soon be having a child who was physically or mentally disabled, would you try to alter it for the better through gene therapy?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Most of the questions were fairly straight forward, none really took me off guard. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Looking over school materials, and just preparing for the "typical" style questions." Report Response
"The Absolute openness and friendliness of the staff and students. The Admissions staff were completely open and wanted you to feel as comfortable and relaxed as possible. They really went out on a limb to make you feel wanted. " Report Response
"One of the tours was for the research department, as I'm not much interested in reseach, it did not interest me much. " Report Response
"I thought that the clinical aspects were limited with this school, and I found out afterwards that there is actually great diversity and several clinical sites to utilize and explore. Not only this, but the clinical sites are expanding and will have some very impressive new facilities by the time that I would be there. " Report Response
"With it's friendly and personal environment, emphasized with the small class sizes, I can definitely see myself being happy here. " Report Response
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