3 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
Closed file
"What do you like to read?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"In a group setting how would you deal with someone who was not pulling their weight?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Interview feedback questions" Report Response
"The scale of the school & their communtiy involvement. They also change their curriculum to best fit the needs of the students. They also have an open policy on admissions- you can ask them what kind of improvements you need to make if you were not admitted." Report Response
"Only the upperclassmen get parking close to campus." Report Response
"Have on good walking shoes." Report Response
"This school in great! The interviewers wanted to know who you are & what you are like. They have a conversation with you- very relaxed. The only problem is that you have an interview after lunch & by this time you are tired & can't remember if you mentioned something to that interviewer or if it was one of the other 2 from that morning." Report Response
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