6 out of 10
35 minutes
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"If you saved someone and recieved any car as a reward, what would it be? Make sure you know what kind of engine it has, because I forgot a Viper has a V-10." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Dicuss how you became interested in Osteopathic Medicine?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What did you do yesterday when you got into town? I made the mistake of mentioning I read the DO's Osteopathic Medicine in America in the hotel, and so I was asked to briefly discuss the history of osteopathic medicine." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What type of munitions do assassins most commonly use? I am a forensic science student, and the guy was a ballistics injuy expert." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If a 14-year old girl wanted an abortion what would you do? I refused to do it, and so she committed suicide, and she wrote about me in the note. The interviewer pretended to be the dad and I had to explain it all to him and why his daughter had to die. That question and one about a school bus accident with 5 people salvagable, and 2 that couldn't be helped. I had to tell him what I was say to the ones that would die." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN site, "DO's Osteopathic Medicine in America," AZCOM site, current AZCOM student " Report Response
"Brand new campus & great atmosphere. Everything's great!" Report Response
"Tuition. The interviewers asked difficult questions, but added in some humor to help me relax." Report Response
"Bring sunglasses! A lightweight dress jacket works better (mine wasn't.) And don't schedule your return flight to late---you'll end up spending hours at the airport." Report Response
"It was an overall enjoyable experience, and is very relaxed. There is a medical student there, a basic science professor, and a medical faculty--I got the chief of surgery, who admitted he wanted to ask me lots of hard questions since I had medical experience as a paramedic. " Report Response
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