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Open file
"How would you transiton from a position of military leadership to one of being a student?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What was your favorite duty station and why?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell us about your native language and it's culture." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How would do I see myself transitioning from a leadership position in the military to one of a 1st year med student. I told them I would welcome the change, from one of being responsible for multiple people to being only responsible for me." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If you were accepted by another school as well as AZCOM which would you take? I told them that the only school that would be a priority for me over AZCOM would be Kirksville due to its geographical location closest to my family whom I've been away from for 10 years." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, AMEDNEWS.COM, read my secondary and my primary application." Report Response
"Excellent student board pass rate. I walked around the campus the day before the interview and talked to students at random, and every one I talked to LOVED the school. The campus set up is nice, small and convenient, it really gives a famly atmosphere since it has no other schools on campus except for hte Health Care school ie.. DO, PharmD, PA, BioMed Sci. So all the students talk the same language." Report Response
"There students recreational facilities are very poor, no place to eat on campus or no student gymnasium. There are outdoor v-ball court, and a basket ball court, as well as a small universal gymn area but very unerinvested area of student morale." Report Response
"That it is competing for the #1 or # 2 ranking for DO schools in the nation with Des Moines." Report Response
"Great experience, the staff were very friendly and open/honest. The best part of the whole experience I felt was meeting the other applicants. Interesting to share experiences and stories." Report Response
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