1 out of 10
40 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"Who were this year's nobel laureates in medicine? (at least know what it was for!!)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Do you know about the big event that happens annually in Saudi Arabia? (It turns out there was a massecre there this year during the pilgrimage to Mecca, since I was on the plane the next day I hadn't heard about it!)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If you had unlimited access to facilities and supplies, what would you like to do research on? Tell me a little about the protocol you would use." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"An only child has leukemia and the best possible match for a donor is a sibling. The parent's tell you they have decided to try to have another child. What is your reaction and how would you advise them?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If you had a subordinate, and you two disagreed on things, and you know you are 100% right, how would you handle the situation? (and he kept asking details of my answer and switching the scenario around--That's what made it hard!)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"School's website, SDN" Report Response
"Everybody was so nice. It was so easy to pick up a conversation as students stop to say hello and talk to you about their experience. Even faculty members stopped by to greet you and wish you luck!" Report Response
"The tour was not a real tour. They only showed us where the buildings were and etc, but we didn't really get a walk through tour of the facilities." Report Response
"Tuition had gone up but it's still cheaper than most schools. The interviewees are scheduled with the same interviewees back-to-back (giving less than 30 mins/interview--I went over during both faculty interviews)" Report Response
"The day is split into three parts, morning interviews, lunch and afternoon interviews. Two faculty interviews and a student interview during lunch. The people were so welcoming that I didn't feel stressed during my interviews at all. I found out if you just carry a conversation with the interviewer it doesn't give them much time to grill you on particulars. I was impressed that two of my interviewers gave me feedback on my interview and the student even gave me advice for the next interview. I could definitely tell they wanted their interviewees to have the best opportunities while at Meharry." Report Response
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