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"I dont remember" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What are ur weaknesses?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I didnt" Report Response
"UMC sees alot of everything. Very strong clinical program. MS2's get free Qbank to prepare for the USMLE. The classes are alot more geared towards prep for USMLE and clinical years. Alot more hands-on work with patients in MS2." Report Response
"It's jackson, so i think only people from Mississippi that want to live at home will like this school. " Report Response
"I had no idea UMC had such a great USMLE pass rate and people matched into real good residencies ie derm, ortho, ENT, etc..." Report Response
"I transferred from another school, and Im alot happier here. I like the students and the teachers and I feel that over here I have the tools and resources to pursue whatever residency I want and I dont have to worry about being in 200K debt when I graduate." Report Response
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