8 out of 10
4 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
Open file
"What do you want to talk about?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why be a doctor and not head of some non-profit corporation?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What do you like to do outside of work?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"My interviewer asked me a total of three questions, all listed below. I was the one asking questions. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"All questions I was asked are listed below." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"This website, my application, secondary apps from other schools (reminded me of possible stories to tell), my AMCAS app, Wash U website, mock interviews with pre-med advisor, practice questions with friends, etc." Report Response
"The beauty of the facility, the amount of money the school has." Report Response
"My interviewer's approach to the interview. The immaturity of some of the students." Report Response
"This site prepared me pretty well -- I wore comfortable shoes for tour, changed into heels for the interview. Take Metrolink from and to the airport if it's daylight hours -- cheap and the stop is basically right next to the medical school." Report Response
"Washington U. seems to go out of their way to show that they want you. The free night's stay in Olin, the pizza party, pairing you with a "buddy" (a first year) who has similar interests to you, the breakfast, the lunch with a faculty member (not your interviewer), the tour. I had a very nice impression of the school. However . . . my interview was terrible. I don't think I was terrible in it -- I was calm and articulate. But my interviewer opened with "What do you want to talk about?" NOT "Tell me about yourself" (which is easy!) but "What do you want to talk about?" How awkward! I thought I was here to talk about myself but do I really WANT to talk about myself? In retrospect, I should have said, "This is my first medical school interview. You have so much more experience at this than I do -- could guide me as to what you think would be helpful to you, to me?" But I didn't say that. I wound up asking him the questions. What did he think of his time at Wash U (he went to school there)? How did he choose his specialty? etc. I don't know, maybe he'll think it was a great interview because he got to talk about himself. I believe that he had not read my file -- however, I put that the interview was open file because he had the file in front of him and so he could have read it. I doubt it. There are some very strange elements in my application and I can't believe that, if he had read it, he wouldn't have asked me about them. He was very nice but totally uninterested in me. I'll admit it -- I was (and am) pissed off. I am poor, I spend money to fly for an interview because the school expressed an interest in me -- I'd at least like someone to fake that they are interested in my story (which, as I said, before, is a very bizarre one). Ah, well. Live and learn. I'll never let that happen to me again. I don't think the guy set a trap for me -- I think that (1) he didn't know anything about me and didn't want to expose his ignorance and (2) he thought his not asking questions made it a stress-free interview. NOT! " Report Response
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