2 out of 10
8 out of 10
9 out of 10
60+ minutes
At a regional location
Open file
"Why dyou want to be a doctor, etc." Report Response | I was asked this question too
""Do the chickens have large talons?" (heh, just kidding)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Not very many questions, more conversational " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Nothing tough" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I already had tons of interviews before Duke, so I was pretty comfortable going in. Still, I looked over my 2ndary and SDN of course!" Report Response
"My interviewer! She was awesome!" Report Response
"That is wasn't at Duke. I got a really great impression but I know next to nothing about Durham." Report Response
"How wonderful regional interviews are! Also, they have your file but they do not know you're MCAT score. Put your heart into the 2ndary, I think it really helped me out." Report Response
"First of all, I was really suprized to hear from Duke ( I applied *last minute*). So, when I got the interview, I was elated! At the time however, all the local interview post. were filled - so only regional interviews were offered. This kind of bummed me out bc I thought it would hurt my chances of getting in. But after my interview and looking on Duke's website, I discovered that regional interviews have a higher acceptance rate vs. the ones in Durham! The interview itself: I really liked it. Instead of a faculty member/staff, you're interviewed by an alumni. So you can ask them a lot more personal questions about their experience at Duke and really figure out if it's right for you. My interviewer was awesome. She *just* graduated in May, so it felt more like a peer-to-peer conversation. Also, a friend of hers (A MS4 at Duke) accompanied us. So, I really benefitted from two opinions. I was particularly struck by their outgoing and friendly personalities (not Bookish, etc), and they laughed and joked a lot about their experiences as Medical Students. In short, these were people that I really identified with and that was the strongest selling point that Duke could ever offer. From reading other people's expereinces, I think my interview was a lot easier and less stressful. It really opened the door to just be myself and learn more about the kind of students Duke is looking for. " Report Response
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