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"What is wrong with healthcare in the US?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Would I treat an illegal alein " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Is healthcare a right or privilege?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Nothing. All ethics questions." Report Response | I was asked this question too
""Why should we accept you?" This question is actually difficult to answer without sounding arrogant." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"read over my personal statement" Report Response
"COMLEX scores, campus is new" Report Response
"rotations, cost overall additude of students that I met. One student warned me about the rotations and advised that I would be smart to look into other programs like KCOM, LECOM, and others." Report Response
"That the school leaves alot to be desired. (clinical rotations and preceptorships). The school was really trying to sell us on the benefits of their preceptorships. Someone in charge of setting up the rotations/preceptorships sounded as if they knew the school was weak in this area. The reps persuasion was very counterproductive as I and others saw through it." Report Response
"It may not seem like a big deal but this whole out of state rotation situation is rediculous. I don't know who is entirely responsible for this but it sure does suck. Its not as if there aren't enough hospitals. I have heard that it is because the school won't front the money necessary to allow us the luxury of having rotations in town. As for the interview: I found it to be lacking. This is due to the overwhelming ethical questions. I thought that the commitee would want to get to know applicants and not just try to ruffle their feathers. How great can the school really be if other students there are so negative about it? I not be attending AZCOM." Report Response
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