2 out of 10
8 out of 10
10 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"do you have any question for us? (i forgot my list of qestions but i managed to ask about the extern program)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"what did you learn shadowing?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"what do you do for fun? (we stayed with this question most of the interview)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"why did you take all these non-science courses? (it ending up being more of a interesting answer than a question, this lead to my rebelious highschool era)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"what did you learn shadowing Dr. XXXXX? (my shadowing didn't end in good term, thanks to his wife who thought i was getting in the way of them makig money.)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, read up the school site, ask my professor for advise, review my application, http://www.aamc.org/students/applying/about/31questions.htm " Report Response
"85% of the graduates specializes so, pretty much anyone who wants to can!! the faculty" Report Response
"$$$ it's a nit expenseive. but the good news was it's cheaper than Michigan out of state, and it's a better school" Report Response
"that i was going to be laughing the whole interview." Report Response
"i took the train, wasn't sure if there was going to be a lot if traffic. there was 13 of us at the interview. Since most of us had interview at other schools (except for me), we were just chatting it up asking about other schools. corky, the director of Admissions, told us that they only interview 360 studentsout of 2000 and the entering class is about 116. which gave us 1 in 3 to 1 in 2.4 chance to get in. there was a intro/overview form 8:45 to 10am. corky, Dr. DeRossi, and Sue(financial aid) spoke. Then there was a 30 minute interview and the school tour and a 5 minute thing with corky, to go over your app. I think that was an interview. Trust me. She asked me two questions, one, why I picked UPENN, which I had a beautiful answer for. I told her I checked if the school had more than 30% out of state students, 30% diversity plus high academic standards. Second question was about Underwater Hockey. I explained how we play it and that there is only one team in PA, which is at Penn State. That I’m planning on making a team here if a get accepted. Right after that was my second interview with Dr. Slaughter. She was awesome. We laughed so hard I dropped my donut on the way to the room we were having the interview. Looking back she made sure we discuss every part of my app. She asked about my shadowing experience, extracurricular activities with the Scuba club and the Pre-dental club, why I transferred twice in college, how I was a little rebel in high school, specializing after dental school, and again about underwater hockey. the zest of our interview was that I want to live life to it’s fullest, with no regrets and I will show my color even in hard times. It was hard to answer her question about shadowing, since I left a bit upset. But I managed to tell her the most impressive thing was the fact my dentist was humming at work and that is how I want to be at work. I also told her that at the moment I am not shadowing anyone. Towards the end of the interview she said that I was exactly the type of student they wanted at their school. But that didn’t help me from worrying for 2 full weeks. And now that I’m in, ahhh.. Such a relief. We had 2 student at lunch asking and answering our questions. I managed to con couple kids into skipping the self-guided tour of the campus and going to the Franklin institution to go see the Body World exhibit. We exchanged e-mail addresses which helped a lot staying sane the last 2 weeks. " Report Response
10 out of 10
Out of state
2-3 hours
9 out of 10
Club Quaters
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