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6 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Tell me about your science, math, engineering background." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"None" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Just thought about some basic questions they might ask me. My third interview, by this point it was gravy." Report Response
"Match list and Stan. Students get into residencies at some amazing universities. 50% match into primary care and 50% into specialties. Wireless internet and other technological availabities at this school and the fact it is associated with a larger university." Report Response
"There are many: the lecture halls were nothing like other schools' modern lecture halls and seemed a bit worn down. 320 students next year. 6-8 people/cadaver. 10% attrition rate!! Board pass rate in the 70s!! Some students seemed distraught about choosing this school. Many seemed to go there because they lived in the tri-state area and didnt really pick it for academics, etc. The school is in Old Westbury which is an expensive area in Long Island, NY. There is nothing to do in the area and the city is an hour away, so you are pretty isolated. I question the academics and the integrity of your basic sciences education, especially based on the horrible board pass rate." Report Response
"How to get there. They didnt specify where the interview would be and I kept getting lost. I had to go to the campus admissions office and find out from there. Additionally, they give incomplete directions for people who are coming from out of town. " Report Response
"It was so easy. My interviewer was laidback and really easy to talk to. Half the time we didnt talk about anything remotely related to medicine. After I told him why I wanted to do medicine (a 2-3 minute response) he spent the remainder of the interview convincing me why I should go there. Doesnt get any easier than this. It was awesome. People at the school were really nice.. I kept getting lost and trying to get to the building and everyone would tell me where to go and wished me good luck." Report Response
8 out of 10
Out of state
7+ hours
Friends or family
10 out of 10
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