4 out of 10
10 out of 10
8 out of 10
45 minutes
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"What would you do if an owner asked you to put down a healthy dog?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Describe a time when you had to stand up for something that you believe in. (I drew a blank!)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I googled ''behavioral interview'' for days and tried to come up with answers as I found questions. I also talked to my cousin, a first year, about her interview. I only had about a week to practice with some friends that had already interviewed (I was alternate and didn't get my call until five days before the interview!)." Report Response
"Everybody was super enthusiastic about being there. I felt like they genuinely cared about interviewing us. I also liked how my interviewers offered to help me get in contact with some Army vets when I mentioned that I was thinking of joining the vet corp." Report Response
"The tour wasn't very organized and the student leading the tour didn't seem to know much about the areas that he was showing us." Report Response
"That I didn't remember all of my experiences! I recommend writing down your answers when you practice so that you can review them the morning of your interview." Report Response
"Fantastic! 12 of us started off in a small conference room where we got to socialize and Dean Thompson explain the procedure to us. Then, our student interviewers came to escort us to our interview rooms. My interviewers were really nice and easy to talk to. After the interview was done, the student took us to a post-interview room where Dean Thompson told us what to expect in the next week. Then we went on a tour of the school. Overall, it was a great experience and I wasn't the least bit nervous!" Report Response
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