2 out of 10
10 out of 10
7 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"tell me about yourself" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"tell me about your clinical experience" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"do you have any questions for us" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"i had mentioned a personal tragedy in my SOP (to explain a gap in my resume) and they gave their condolences, which took me aback, simply because it was very nice and thoughtful, and i had been worried about including the experience in the first place (vs just not mentioning a huge gap in my resume). " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"none. my interview was easy and conversational and i really enjoyed it. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"read over articles and abstracts and bios of researchers i was especially interested in, read over bios of other profs (you are randomly assigned a prof to interview with, even if you mentioned a specific one in your SOP, so have a general idea of who everyone is). read over program info very throughly and made a list of questions to ask, and though of my answers to likely questions. i was overprepared." Report Response
"the students were smart, thoughtful, and happy, the prof and graduate i interviewed with were wonderful, school did 100% in the internship match, early clinical exp., lots of great externship experience -- if they could have funded me more it really would have been a contender, but i got full scholarships elsewhere. loved this program!" Report Response
"no tour of facilities, and i wish all the faculty had been available, so i could have at least chatted w/ my POI and got a feel for working with them -- which indicates that this is a more clinically oriented program than may have been right for me." Report Response
"nothing. loved the school, as good as better funded programs but ... short on $. knew about the funding shortage, would have gone into debt to attend if didn't get in to better funded, also quality programs)." Report Response
"relaxed, conversational. know about the program, think about your background, goals and your work as it relates to LIU, have a general idea of your research interests (and the work of the faculty) and then have fun chatting and meeting nice people. ask for a tour, or just poke around yourself. " Report Response
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