2 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"Where are you from? Have you been to NY or NYC before??? What do you think of NY?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What have you noticed at the dental office you worked at?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Do you have any questions for me?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"So... you had an uncle that went to NYU?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Through your work experience, what have you noticed working in a dental setting?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"studentdoctor.net, read the nyu info on website, talked to my uncle that goes to NYU" Report Response
"The facility and how super friendly the staff and students were. I really like the reception area, the Bluestone research and Aesthetics dpt." Report Response
"the class is very large.. freshman year is 240 and D-2 year is like 350 b/c advanced standing students come in from all over the world to get a DDS degree in the US." Report Response
"I wish I would have gone to NYC earlier to enjoy the city a little more and then settled in for my interview." Report Response
"NYU was very impressive! The facilities were beatiful. I really like the new Aesthetic Dentistry part of the building and the Research building. They are both in the same building but the floor it was on was AMAZING. I can't believe how people had donated $ to have this done. The dentist of the Stars, i.e. julia roberts, etc... had donated a bunch of $$$ for the Aesthetics department. I was really impressed that it had 6 flat plasma screen TV's and a room where they would operate and people in another room with a glass wall can see... Their equipement at NYU is all at the top-end, top-notch tools!!!... I don't know what else to say, but first I though NYC, wow how scary is that??? am i gonna die from walking to my apt.. NO! I found out they got cops on every corner, and the new mayor on NY has really put alot of $ and work to make the city better than ever. University of Michigan, University of Detroit, University of Texas Health Sci Center's facilties can't even compare to NYU's!!! I must have gotten lucky, but the person that interviewed my was REALLY laid back, he hardly asked me any of the "typical" interview questions, it was more like he was telling me why to go to NYU and how cool the city was... Other than that good luck to everyone that gets an interview there, don't be stress, i think nyu's interviews try to make at least stressful as possible!!!" Report Response
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