8 out of 10
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10 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
Open file
"So, I see you were involved with so and so, please tell us more about this experience - a specific question about the activity I described in one of my supplemental essays" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Situational question # 1 ( be ready for a couple of those). Imagine you work in a pharmacy and a patient comes in very upset about something, the situation quickly escalates to a conflict, how would you handle this ? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Situational question number 2, I don't recall the exact question but it was along the lines of the first one. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I have reread this entire interview section mupltiple times, made a list of questions that I could be potentially asked and thought about my answers to them. I didn't practice because I wanted to be genuine, but I have definitely put some thought into what I would say. I also read pre-pharmacy forum threads from previous years to get an idea of what to expect. " Report Response
"I was impressed by how kind and friendly everyone was - I truly felt relaxed and comfortable during the interview, despite the extreme level of stress. I felt like I was valued as an applicant and the interviewers were trying to simply learn more about me. " Report Response
"Nothing, I was in love with the school before I even came, and now that I am a student here, I can honestly say I was blown away by how smooth the process was - for an interview session that takes nearly half the day, admissions office really did an amazing job of setting everything up and organizing an entire event so it proceeded very smoothly and was a very rich and informative experience. " Report Response
"How relaxed and comfortable I would be during the actual interview, I wouldn't be so very stressed out if I knew how the process actually went" Report Response
"Bring some fruits or some kind of energy bar, this will be a long day/session and you will definitely need the energy. Also - I can't stress this enough !!!!!!!! - be kind and very friendly to your peers interviewing with you - THEY WILL BE YOUR FUTURE CLASSMATES. If you get accepted, these people will be your classmates, your UC family and your friends, so be nice and kind to them because building good professional relationships and friendships with your classmates early on is very important. Surely enough, people that were nicest to each other during our interview, including myself, are now a great group of friends. Also, read about the school on UCSF website, you will have the opportunity to ask one of the faculty members some questions and it's better your questions are genuine and show your knowledge of school, rather than something that can be easily looked up. " Report Response
10 out of 10
In state
0-1 hour
< $100
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
9 out of 10
"Mailing out acceptance letters slightly earlier would reduce the stress level of the anxiously await" Report Response
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