30 minutes
At the school
"Ethics Questions: "Your in the E.R. and you have two patients who are dieing. One patient had assaulted a child, spent his time in jail and was now out on parole. The other patient was a fine upstanding citizen. Both had an equal chance of survival if you treat them...but you only have time to save one, which one do you save and why." "Do you think that medicine is a privledge or a right. Why?" "Someone once said, that there would be no need for rules if men could maintain their integrity. What does this mean?" - it was something like this.. "What is the most important Human Right to you..and why?"" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Regular Questions: "How is your research going?" "What has been the most difficult part of your research and what is something new that you have learned from it" "How is your research applicable to Mississippi?" (I do renal research) "What is your strength/Weakness?" "Do you think there should be an honor code?..why?" "What does Integrity mean to you?" "What was your undergraduate/Graduate GPA?" (Two interviewers opted to not see my file until after the interview) "What do you think of Diversity?" "Do you ever find working with someone of a different culture difficult?" "Have you ever experienced or heard racial comments? How did they make you feel?" "What is your support structure like?" "How does your wife push you to be better?" "What did you do to increase your MCAT scores from last year?" (I am a reapplicant) "What cell type do you take most for granted?" (Not sure if this was a research related ? or not...) " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Ice Breakers: "What is the last movie you watched?" (My answer was Zombieland and the interviewer got a good laugh out of it. Though, it wasnt the best for making conversation) " Report Response | I was asked this question too
""How is your research applicable to Mississippi?" - It connected some dots for me and really made me think. Thanks for asking it Dr. Case." Report Response | I was asked this question too
""What cell type do you take most for granted?" - This one caught me off guard...I said skin because it seems to take care of itself pretty well...(lame ..i know)." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I have been practicing my whole life..just being me." Report Response
"Everyone does a great job at keeping the stress low. Interviewers seemed excited about having the oppertunity to talk with you. M4 tour guides were awesome. Both were knowledgable and answered questions honestly." Report Response
"Honestly...nothing." Report Response
8 out of 10
In state
0-1 hour
10 out of 10
10 out of 10
"Ya'll are awesome. Keep doing what your doing." Report Response
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