No change
5 out of 10
5 out of 10
5 out of 10
15 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"Why pharmacy? Why Howard? If a friend was cheating, what would you do?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What makes you a better candidate than the other applicants? Where do you see yourself in pharmacy in 10 years?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What qualities would make you successful in the program?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Nothing. They were all general and expected." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What qualities do you have that would make you successful in the program? They basically want you to brag about yourself, which I am not good at doing." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Reviewed basic derivatives." Report Response
"Location." Report Response
"The school is old and looks it. Some construction. Not very technologically advanced. Budget cuts have caused them to be short staffed in offices so responses are slow. We were told we could find out about acceptance/denial anywhere from one month to 6 months after our interview." Report Response
"That the math quiz was so easy. I was stressed out about it but it is literally cross multiplying fractions, a few VERY basic derivatives, and adding and multiplying decimals... Oh and converting, mg, g, kg and such. Very simple math..." Report Response
"Overall, this is my number one pick just based on location, (DC is a nice city) however because of the lack of technology and disorganized process I am starting to reconsider." Report Response
2 out of 10
Out of state
0-1 hour
Train or subway
7 out of 10
9 out of 10
8 out of 10
5 out of 10
7 out of 10
2 out of 10
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