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Mount Sinai School of Medicine Program Individual Response

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Basic Info

What is your in-state status?:

Out of state

On what date did the interview take place?:


How do you rank this residency among ALL other residencies?:

9 out of 10

How do you rank this residency among other residencies to which you've applied?:

9 out of 10

What is your ranking of this program's facilities?:

7 out of 10

What is your ranking of this program's location?:

10 out of 10

What is your ranking of this area's cultural life?:

10 out of 10

What was the stress level of the interview?:

2 out of 10

How do you think you did?:

8 out of 10

How did the interview impress you?:



How long was the interview?:

20 minutes

How many people interviewed you?:


What was the style of the interview?:


What impressed you positively?:

The level f comraderie among both the residents and residents and faculty. The program struck me as an incredibly supportive place to train. The residents had only positive things to say about the program and spoke highly of career and fellowship placement. They seemed to be a very smart, driven, and passionate group of people who had the choice to attend any residency program but chose Mount Sinai because it fit their personality and learning style. Very strong simulation program and available education track to enable residents to learn how to be physician educators. The intern year was a good mix of surgery, medicine, and anesthesia. Report as inappropriate

What impressed you negatively?:

Report as inappropriate

How was your interview day? Please summarize.:

Get there around 8:00, change into scrubs because I forgot to bring my own. I'd recommend bringing your own, the ones they give you fit weird. Eat breakfast and listen to Dr. Levine talk about the program for about 2 hours. Tour the facilities, lunch with residents, and then interviews. The interview with Dr. Reich is a little more formal and very short. The other two with Dr. Levine and another faulty member are more informal. The day ends around 3:00-4:00. There is no dinner the night before. Report as inappropriate


What was your primary mode of travel?:


What was your total time spent traveling?:

2-3 hours

What airport did you use?:


Where did you stay?:

Friends or family

What is the name of the hotel you stayed in?:

How would you rate the hotel?:

5 out of 10

About how much did you spend on room, food, and travel?:


Report ALL Responses as inappropriate