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University of Florida Program Individual Response

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Basic Info

What is your in-state status?:

In state

On what date did the interview take place?:


How do you rank this residency among ALL other residencies?:

10 out of 10

How do you rank this residency among other residencies to which you've applied?:

10 out of 10

What is your ranking of this program's facilities?:

9 out of 10

What is your ranking of this program's location?:

10 out of 10

What is your ranking of this area's cultural life?:

10 out of 10

What was the stress level of the interview?:

1 out of 10

How do you think you did?:

10 out of 10

How did the interview impress you?:



How long was the interview?:

30 minutes

How many people interviewed you?:


What was the style of the interview?:


What impressed you positively?:

I attend the UF medical school, so I already knew about the program beforehand. I rotated with 4 of the teams and with multiple residents and have had only great experiences. The faculty are very approachable; I felt like I was going to work with a group of friends most days. The call schedule is pretty good, it's home call, and there's no call 3rd and 4th year. Report as inappropriate

What impressed you negatively?:

I love Gainesville, but be careful if you don't like small towns. From what I hear, it's stronger in psychopharm than psychotherapy. The training in psychotherapy is somewhat self driven... but if you want to become proficient, they'll work with you. Report as inappropriate

How was your interview day? Please summarize.:

Schedule/Rotations/Call: The residents seem very happy with their schedule. I think they work about 50 hours per week, less during 3rd and 4th year. Overall they work 8-5 with a lunch break as desired, some rotations start a little earlier, some a little later. During first year, they do 1 month of inpatient medicine, 1 month of VA cardiology consult service (this is an easy rotation), and 2 months of outpatient medicine. Second year is ALL therapy/outpatient clinic, which gives residents 3 full years of continuity patients. Call is front loaded into 1st and 2nd year, with no call 3rd and 4th year. All call is home call. First year call is ER call at Shands UF and the VA hospital, on average residents see 3-4 patients. Second year is ward call for Shands UF and the VA hospital. Most of this is taken by phone. PGY2s also backup the first years in event that they’re swamped. Weekend call can be taken in either 12 or 24 hour shifts depending on preference (as long as it adds up to your “share” of the hours). Moonlighting: Third and fourth year have no call. They are allowed to moonlight at Shands Vista which is essentially taking either weekend or weekday calls. Sites: Shands UF—This houses the 10-bed inpatient ECT unit. VA Hospital—There are several teams here including addiction, psychosis, and mood. Since Shands UF and the VA are across the street from each other, the consult service covers both. Shands Vista—This hospital is 15-20 minutes away from Shands UF. Half the building is inpatient psychiatry and the other half is rehab/PM&R. Most people love this site since it doesn’t “feel” like a hospital. There are 4 units here: mood, psychosis, addiction, and child. Clinic—The main resident clinic and TMS are housed in a new facility about ¼ mile away from Shands Vista. There is another clinic next to Shands UF, but I’m not sure when residents are there. City/Culture: Gainesville is small. You either like it or you don’t. Personally, I love Gainesville. There are lots of independent restaurants with great food, little ice cream shops, et cetera. There is a historic theater downtown (Hippodrome) which has a stage and a screen where you can see independent films and plays. UF also owns Lake Wauburg about 15 miles to the south which is essentially a park free with a student/faculty ID (your resident ID will work). They have grills, free canoes/kayaks/sail boats, rock climbing, and occasionally free wake boarding. Report as inappropriate


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