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Interview Feedback

All Questions & Responses

  • Southern College of Optometry
  • Optometry School
  • Memphis, TN
Individual Feedback 3 49 Responses
Overall Experience

How did the interview impress you?

Response # Responders
Positively 49
Negatively 0
No change 0

What was the stress level of the interview?

Response Avg # Responders
2.83 47

0 = low, 10 = high

How you think you did?

Response Avg # Responders
8.78 49

0 = low, 10 = high

How do you rank this school among ALL other schools?

Response Avg # Responders
8.57 49

0 = low, 10 = high

Was this interview in-person or virtual?

Response # Responders
In Person 1
Virtual 0


How long was the interview?

Response # Responders
5 minutes 0
10 minutes 0
15 minutes 0
20 minutes 1
25 minutes 4
30 minutes 7
35 minutes 6
40 minutes 11
45 minutes 7
50 minutes 4
55 minutes 1
60+ minutes 6

Where did the interview take place?

Response # Responders
At the school 44
At a regional location 0
At another location 1

What was the style of the interview?

Response # Responders
One-on-one 45
In a group 0

What type of interview was it?

Response # Responders
Open file 0
Closed file 45

How many people interviewed you?

Response Average # Responders
1.09 45

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"What lead you to optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If optometrists were given the rights to do cataract surgery, would it be the same?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to be an optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Give a time when you displayed leadership?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What characteristics do you have that should make you an ideal optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was the one college class that made you realize that you didn't quite know how to study yet?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Have you done any research on specific laws in NJ or PA?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Optometry" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What specific trait do you posses that would make you a good optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What motivated you to persevere through obstacles?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you feel makes a good optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some of the challenges you face academically?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you see being a problem for the field of optometry in five years?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Describe a time when you took leadership in a situation." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How did you become interested in optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some strengths and weakness you have?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Do you know of any optometry-related political issues going on in your home state?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why optometry/ why SCO?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your academic background." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me your story. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What activities did you do while in school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What extracurricular activities were you involved in during undergrad?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some extra-curriculars you do with your university?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why Optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about an academic challenge you had and what you did to overcome that challenge." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite humanities class?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me more about your background." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about did you get here today?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 2)?

"What extracurriculars have you been involved in?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What other professions have you shadowed?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some challenges that optometrists face when practicing?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to be an optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What leadership positions have you held?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some of your strengths/weaknesses?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why optometry and not ophthalmology?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you handle stress?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some issues that the profession is currently facing/will face?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you were to be at a family reunion down the road and Aunt Sally says "Why couldn't you have become a REAL doctor?" How would you react?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why would you be a good optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What non-school related book have you read recently?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Did you consider any careers other than optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you do for fun?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How would you explain to someone who sees an ophthamologist, that optometrist can do just as much? (rephrased)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many hours did you take in undergrad and how will you be able to cope with the 20+ hours in optometry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was my favorite humanities course, and how will that class help me as an optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What experience do you have in the field?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why optometry. " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why do you want to attend school here?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about some current legislation in optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will you be able to handle the work load of optometry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Are you in any service organizations?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Have you done any service activities?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What extracurricular activities and hobbies have you been involved in" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"When did you/what first got you interested in optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Did you work while in school? " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why SCO?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite non-science class and how can you relate it to optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are your hobbies?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are you looking for in an optometry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Take me through your academic history starting before college. How did you decide on optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are the optometric laws in Virginia?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about the research you have been involved in your undergraduate education." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are your career goals after completing optometry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Do you believe the attitude of the worker or the work itself is what makes the work enjoyable? (paraphrased)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 3)?

"What is your experience in the field of optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you see optometry changing in the future?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What extracurricular activities are you involved in?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why did I pick my major? (I am an Exercise Sciences major)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What have you been involved in during undergrad?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What kind of problems do you see in the future of optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was the hardest class you took and why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Are you interested in specializing within optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"In what optometric setting do you hope to practice?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What qualities do you think that a leader should posses?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your shadowing and interning experiences." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Have you considered any other career options?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you end up not doing optometry, what would you do?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why did you choose your major, and how do you think that will help you in otometry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite humanities course?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How have you exemplified leadership skills?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your avg course load? your max course load? how will you handle 23 credit hours during your first semester at SCO?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Do you know any current legislation going on in your state?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Where do you see yourself in 10 years?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"In what state where therapeutic drops first legalized for optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Why SCO?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What leadership positions have you had?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some major issues you see in the field in the next few years?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"In your undergraduate program, is there any particular class you've taken that you will always remember? Why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Did you hold leadership positions in college?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will your background make you a successful optometrist (I have an engineering degree)?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How many hours did you typically take a semester? Have you seen our curriculum? So, how well do you think you will handle our typical semester loads?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your average course load? " More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Define optometry." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are the optometric laws in your state?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me a little bit more about your research." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your major/minor?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"When applying, what research did you do into the different schools and what did you look for in an optometry program?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What were your extracurriculars?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What extracurricular activities have you been involved in?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you feel the importance is of national optometry groups (such as the AOA) towards the field of optometry? paraphrased" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are your career plans and goals after you become an optometrist? Why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

"What do you feel you struggle with the most/need to work the most on regarding yourself?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is an issue within optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you like about your hobbies?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Do you foresee any problems/issues with the profession of optometry in the future (in regards to technology, etc.)?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about yourself?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your trip to Japan" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What other professions have you researched?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are you looking for at SCO?/ Why SCO?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are you most/least looking forward to in optometry school?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Are you concerned about moving to Memphis?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Have you thought about being a professor? (I have a teaching background)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What kind of artwork/photography are you interested in?(when I told him I was a photographer)." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"All were interesting! Great interview questions." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How would you handle situations in which patients/people of the community do not follow your recommendations? (in relation to vision correction or lifestyle changes)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you do if you feel like you need to blow off steam?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Do you like to fix/repair things?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite non-major course in college and why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"All very interesting. But was none were hard." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"If you could change any part of your undergraduate career, what would it be?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How was the transition from one high school to another? (I moved during my Junior year in high school)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was high school like for you?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What's your favorite movie?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Did you have any health care related economics courses? (I'm an economics major)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me your story..." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do your hobbies and extracurricular activities relate to being a good optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Did you study a lot in college? (haha!)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How would you describe the difference between and ophthalmologist and and an optometrist to a person who thinks they will get a better exam at an ophthalmologist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite non-science class?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none were particularly interesting" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What is your favorite book?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are you most proud of?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What undergrad class that is not a pre-req do you think will be beneficial to you in the long run? (paraphrased)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your hardest undergraduate class?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What was your favorite humanities course and how can you relate it to optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Who was your favorite professor and why?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What made you go to the undergraduate school of your choice?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about your research this something you want to continue?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most difficult question?

"No difficult questions were asked, all were very general and broad." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How would you contribute/make a difference within optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Optometry Legislation in TN" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None they were all straightforward" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"No question was difficult it was very conversational and straightforward" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What characteristics do you have that should make you an ideal optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None- All were straight forward. Very conversational." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"All of them were very straight forward!" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How can you advocate for more rights for optometrists in your home state?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What do you see as the two biggest issues in optometry today?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are two important issues facing optometry today? (I was a little confused on TN laws, so I stumbled a bit)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None at all were difficult to answer." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"During your undergraduate study, what class did you come out of thinking differently about the subject matter or the way you study?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about some current legislation in the field of optometry." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How do you perceive the relationship between Optometrists and Ophthalmologists to be?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"NA" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Are you aware of any legislation happening in the optometry field?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None were difficult." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What did the doctor taking over do that was good and what would you have done differently? (I worked at a practice where one OD retired and his partner took over)" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What problems do you think optometrists will face in the future?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Describe a time when you took leadership in a situation." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What were your reasons for your other school choices?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Tell me about some current legislation in optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Nothing out of the ordinary. You might want to know about current legislation occurring in your state." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What's the most hours you've taken? How many do you average? You'll be taking 23 hours your first semester at SCO, how will you handle that?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"N/A" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some potential problems that the profession will face in the next few years?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Nothing." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some problems with optometry and how will it affect the field in the future?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"Describe yourself as a student." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"none were particularly difficult" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some problems with optometry and what should we do to solve them?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some of the challenges you think optometrists will face in the future?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"how do politics affect optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What are some of the possible drawbacks about the profession of optometry?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"How will your favorite humanities class make you a better optometrist?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What period during your undergraduate education seemed the most challenging or difficult?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"None were really difficult." More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

"What role do you think that insurance plays in a private practice today? What is your experience/knowledge of general insurance policies?" More from this Member | Report Response | I was asked this question too

How did you prepare for the interview?

"Look at this forums questions and answered those questions on a separate document prior to my interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"I watched a video about interviewing by SCO on YouTube. I just looked up interview questions and answered as many as I could in bullet form on a document." More from this Member | Report Response

"Just a good night’s sleep." More from this Member | Report Response

"Used this website and others to prepare answers to any questions they may ask me and recording it" More from this Member | Report Response

"I had a mock interview with my school's career center." More from this Member | Report Response

"Researched the school online, talked with my optometrist about current events, and looked at SDN interview feedback." More from this Member | Report Response

"Read over SDN interview feedback, talked to an optometrist & got her opinion/s on certain topics, looked up some recent bills & issues in the field of optometry." More from this Member | Report Response

"Researched the school's website and researched current events in optometry." More from this Member | Report Response

"Read over material I had received from SCO, looked at interview information on SDN, read up on some laws." More from this Member | Report Response

"Read over my resume and essays. Thoroughly reviewed school's information and website. Tried to look up info on TN laws (not too successful)" More from this Member | Report Response

"Reading sdn forums and practicing in front of family and friends. Sometimes talking out questions to myself when no audience was available." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN forums/interview feedback. Discussed my career goals with others." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, reviewing my optomcas file, ADA website" More from this Member | Report Response

"Questions from SDN, mock interview at my university, practicing question/answer during my drive to Memphis =)" More from this Member | Report Response

"Reviewed my OptomCAS file, classes/grades, checked other questions on SDN, etc." More from this Member | Report Response

"I read forums in SDN, I researched more about the field, went over my application file so I could gather all my highlights." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN survey questions. General interview questions i've found via Google." More from this Member | Report Response

"Read the interview feedbacks on SDN and researched about the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN interview feedback, interview workshop on campus, talking to others who have had interviews at professional schools." More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN and talking to my advisor" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN" More from this Member | Report Response

"I read up on possible questions and tried to relax!" More from this Member | Report Response

"I did not prepare well-read over some med school interview questions." More from this Member | Report Response

"Thought about questions they could ask and formulated responses. " More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN interview feedback, read over my transcript, extracurriculars, and essays" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDNF, talked to optometrists, read Review of Optometry magazine, read over my application/essays" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, practiced answering questions with family, did a mock interview at the career center of my school" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN, my cousin who's an optometrist gave me some questions, googled other questions." More from this Member | Report Response

"Reviewed previous interview questions on SDN, looked up my state laws for optometry, " More from this Member | Report Response

"Browsed SDN and used Google. " More from this Member | Report Response

"read reviews on SDN" More from this Member | Report Response

"SDN page" More from this Member | Report Response

"Gathered questions from SDN forum, practiced in front of a mirror." More from this Member | Report Response

"did a mock interview at my university" More from this Member | Report Response

"mock interviews, read the interview feedback on here, read about the school..." More from this Member | Report Response

"I did a mock interview and I looked up possible interview questions online and practiced them on the long drive to Tennessee!! :)" More from this Member | Report Response

"Did some research on optometric laws in the state where I live.. didn't want to practice too much because I didn't want to sound fake!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Read over their brosure and list out the questions that would give me a better view of the school and its program." More from this Member | Report Response

"Read around on the forum, browsed the school's website." More from this Member | Report Response

"Practiced telling others why I was interested in optometry." More from this Member | Report Response

What impressed you positively?

"The friendliness of everyone I met at the college, plenty of southern hospitality to go around." More from this Member | Report Response

"Due to Covid, I can only reflect on the interview and not the campus tour yet; however, it was very pleasant and the interviewers are friendly." More from this Member | Report Response

"Every single person was warm and welcoming! It felt very much like everyone was a part of one big family." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everybody on staff, top to bottom, was extremely warm and nice. The facility beautiful and state-of-the-art." More from this Member | Report Response

"The friendly staff and students. Everyone was very welcoming and happy" More from this Member | Report Response

"I thought that everyone was honestly genial and wanted to make sure that I was comfortable." More from this Member | Report Response

"The clinic and friendliness of the staff and faculty." More from this Member | Report Response

"The facilities! Also, it was very personalized! All the faculty remembered our names & really made an effort to get to know us better individually. They treated us like we were students already." More from this Member | Report Response

"The clinic was beautiful. Everyone I met was very friendly and responsive. I knew when I would hear from them before I even finished the day." More from this Member | Report Response

"Great facilities and financial aid" More from this Member | Report Response

"The graciousness of all the people I encountered at the school. Everyone was beyond helpful and friendly." More from this Member | Report Response

"Friendliness of staff and students - before I even set foot on the campus. The number of supportive resources for the students." More from this Member | Report Response

"The Eye Center was AMAZING!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The staff is beyond AMAZING! I arrived with no voice the morning of my interview, and every staff member and optometrist offered to get me hot tea with honey, bring peppermints, and hot cocoa. They definitely were reassuring during the interview to let the interviewee know he or she was doing a good job. The clinic was great as well. Very busy and I know I will see a lot when my turn comes." More from this Member | Report Response

"The Eye Center's technology and patient flow, the kindness shown by the staff of the school as well as the current students I ran into while visiting. Also, they had cookies, snack mixes and drinks in the admissions office for the interview day... They offered me a pop/water I think 4 different times throughout the time I was there!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The admissions staff, and the school facilities." More from this Member | Report Response

"The friendliness of the staff and students. The school has many different opportunities." More from this Member | Report Response

"The Eye Clinic, and SCO's reputation for excellence clinically." More from this Member | Report Response

"The friendliness and attitudes of the admissions staff and faculty." More from this Member | Report Response

"The southern hospitality of everyone at the school. The clinic is pretty nice too." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone was so friendly at the school. " More from this Member | Report Response

"very friendly staff and students, they seemed to really like being there. campus is very secure though." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone was so warm, helpful, and friendly." More from this Member | Report Response

"I have interviewed at 5 schools so far, and the facilities at SCO were by far the best." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everything. SCO was my number 2 school coming in but really blew me away with their entire presentation. From the moment I walked into the door till I left I felt welcome and part of the SCO family. The Eye Clinic and facilities are all new and very impressive. I'm going to SCO if I get accepted, it's that simple. " More from this Member | Report Response

"I liked Memphis (beale street, mud island, the bbq especially corky's)" More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone at the school was incredibly friendly, amazing and wonderful. I can't stress how comfortable they made me feel. They really make you feel like they are excited for you to be there. The school itself is amazing and I felt confident that I would get an amazing education there." More from this Member | Report Response

"modern facilities with an emphasis on clinical experiences, friendly staff and students" More from this Member | Report Response

"How friendly and welcoming everyone was." More from this Member | Report Response

"The enthusiasm of everyone encountered. They are all happy to be a part of SCO. The facilities are GREAT, the eye center is only a couple years old and was very impressive." More from this Member | Report Response

"The faculty and students seemed to all have great relationships with each other. Everyone seemed genuinely friendly and enthusiastic. The facilities are very nice and modern. The clinic was amazing. Security also seemed very good. " More from this Member | Report Response

"very very friendly and helpful students, faculty and staff" More from this Member | Report Response

"everyone was very nice, current students seem happy, and the facilities were nice" More from this Member | Report Response

"The clinic is brand new, nicest I've seen so far." More from this Member | Report Response

"the 3 story eye clinic and 11 story optometry building!!" More from this Member | Report Response

"the facilities were amazing. the people were really nice and the school's environment was very homey" More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone at SCO was incredibly nice. The students were enthusiastic and seemed to love their school! The facilities were great." More from this Member | Report Response

"The facilities, friendliness of the students, faculty and staff, the casual atmosphere of the interview, and the new Hayes Center for Excellence" More from this Member | Report Response

"Friendly faculty, very lay back interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"The facilities and the friendliness of the staff and current students that took the time to hang out with us." More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone's attitude was genuinely warm and welcoming." More from this Member | Report Response

What impressed you negatively?

"Nothing, everything went pretty smoothly." More from this Member | Report Response

"It was kind of intimidating since it was online. I felt that I had to keep talking to prevent long pauses. Also, I felt like it was less conversational and more like question-after-question." More from this Member | Report Response

"The building is old on the outside but inside makes up for it, it is clean and is more updated" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing at all." More from this Member | Report Response

"The whole process was a tad long, but very informative & enjoyable." More from this Member | Report Response

"Our tour guide didn't have very much to say." More from this Member | Report Response

"Memphis isn't for everyone. Some crime issues and an overall lack of things to do if you are moving from a larger city." More from this Member | Report Response

"The city itself is a little gray. It's not exactly pretty, but I think the friendly people make up for it." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing that was blatant. Memphis will grow on me." More from this Member | Report Response

"The staff kept bashing on other schools...." More from this Member | Report Response

"It's not in the best area of Memphis, but I was never scared driving around or getting in and out of my car. I just know I wouldn't walk alone at night on the streets, but that is a common precaution in any city." More from this Member | Report Response

"The city of Memphis is a little rough in some areas... Overall, the city has both very good as well as some bad qualities" More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone was a little too defensive about the city's safety issues. It made it seem worse than it really was." More from this Member | Report Response

"Location of the school doesn't look safe, but the school does have very high security" More from this Member | Report Response

"The city. No school can be perfect though. In hindsight, its a blessing in disguise, but I have a family." More from this Member | Report Response

"none." More from this Member | Report Response

"the city that SCO is in. Memphis in general did not impress me. The city is a historic one; the roads are bad and buildings are old. There are some nice parts here and there but I didn't feel comfortable during my time spent outside of the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"Not the prettiest neighborhood but can definitely get used to." More from this Member | Report Response

"Memphis is a poor city, but you're fine as long as you don't leave valuables in the car. The city is not very exciting looking, except downtown. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Memphis-I hated it." More from this Member | Report Response

"I was a little worried about the crime in Memphis but everyone I talked to assured me that around the school isn't bad and if you know your surroundings and don't make stupid decisions you'll be fine. Reassuring. " More from this Member | Report Response

"nothing really. the eye center didn't blow me away with their technology" More from this Member | Report Response

"The city of Memphis is not exactly what I had in mind for a home for four years. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing, it was a great place and a great interview!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing really. My interviewer seemed introverted and he did not ask me many questions. I wish he had because I was prepared. " More from this Member | Report Response

"the school is a lot smaller than I am used to" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing about the school, I just didn't like Memphis." More from this Member | Report Response

"nothing" More from this Member | Report Response

"the area around the school is kinda shady" More from this Member | Report Response

"I was happy with my experience." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing!" More from this Member | Report Response

"The neighborhood is not the nicest I've seen." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing." More from this Member | Report Response

"The area surrounding the campus isn't the most attractive, but only a short drive to other more pleasant places to live such as Mud Island." More from this Member | Report Response

What did you wish you had known ahead of time?

"Not to stress as much about the interview, it is more of a personality test more than anything. The school wants to see that you are passionate about the field of optometry" More from this Member | Report Response

"Don’t wear heels all day because you’ll probably get blisters after walking around the campus." More from this Member | Report Response

"Eat a sizeable breakfast if you have a morning interview. You don’t eat again until after 1:00." More from this Member | Report Response

"None, I was prepared" More from this Member | Report Response

"I think I was well-prepared. However, this is mainly because I kept in contact with two other students from the school." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing -- Just make sure you research the school online in order to answer the "Why SCO?" question." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing surprised me." More from this Member | Report Response

"Questions I wanted answered on tour." More from this Member | Report Response

"Tennessee laws regarding scope of optometry practice" More from this Member | Report Response

"I wasn't particularly surprised by anything except the fact that I wasn't fed lunch (not a big deal though)." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing I can think of. The admissions staff efficiently informed me of what was to be expected on interview day." More from this Member | Report Response

"nothing" More from this Member | Report Response

"I knew more about the field than I thought. I was well-prepared by doing a mock interview and doing question/answer strategies." More from this Member | Report Response

"NA" More from this Member | Report Response

"The "reviewing of your file" is a little bit of an an interview in itself." More from this Member | Report Response

"wear comfortable shoes, the tour takes a long while!" More from this Member | Report Response

"na. i toured SCO before, so I knew how long the tour of the school would be." More from this Member | Report Response

"That everything in Memphis closes when it snows!" More from this Member | Report Response

"that the area around the school isn't very nice looking." More from this Member | Report Response

"They have cookies and coffee for you when you get there so you don't have to run to Starbucks in the morning. " More from this Member | Report Response

"That the area around the school is not very pretty." More from this Member | Report Response

"I wish I had remembered more often that the interviewer had not seen my file so I would have told the interviewer more about me." More from this Member | Report Response

"That Memphis was such a high crime city." More from this Member | Report Response

"optometry-related political issues and legislature in my state; that what they call "going over your file" is really an interview in itself (mine was done by Mike Robertson who is on the admissions committee of only 3 people!)" More from this Member | Report Response

"I would have tried to come up with some more specific questions about SCO for the interview. " More from this Member | Report Response

"My interview went from late morning to early afternoon but there was no lunch, so eat a big breakfast!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing." More from this Member | Report Response

"Interview was from 10-2, I wish I had a bigger breakfast!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing. The entire process, which took about 4 hours, included a review of my file, talks about the town, student housing, finances, the curriculum, the recent changes to the National Boards, and the facilities; but I already knew all of that was coming. " More from this Member | Report Response

"nothing really" More from this Member | Report Response

"The tour is very long, wear comfortable shoes if you can!" More from this Member | Report Response

"that the tour was going to be kind of long. we stopped on each floor!" More from this Member | Report Response

"other areas around Memphis are really nice. the interview was more intense than i was expecting" More from this Member | Report Response

"That everyone was going to be so relaxed and helpful. " More from this Member | Report Response

"That the tour was going to take forever, I was wearing big heels and my feet were killing me! My own fault though." More from this Member | Report Response

"I wish I knew about the hotel which was closer to the school, which also had a discount for students on interview for SCO." More from this Member | Report Response

"That there wasn't going to be lunch served. I must have gotten the SCO interview confused with another interview I'm going to!" More from this Member | Report Response

What are your general comments?

"I enjoyed my visit, wish I could have stayed in Memphis longer to check out the city more. Overall great experience for my first interview." More from this Member | Report Response

"I felt that it went smoother because I knew it was more of a personality assessment, but definitely recommend doing your research about potential questions and the program specifically." More from this Member | Report Response

"The SCO interview and facility really are impressive. More than that though they treat you like family there." More from this Member | Report Response

"Lots of good southern hospitality" More from this Member | Report Response

"I thought that the interview went well. It should not be something that you would have to prepare extensively for. If preparation is done, though, I would recommend one mock interview, thinking about your reason for becoming an optometrist, and looking over your application (so you are prepared when they review your file after the one-on-one interview). Also, I would recommend researching some things about optometry currently to make sure you are up-to-date on it." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview was very laid back & conversational. I felt like my interviewer spent just as much time talking as I did. Also, how you answer influences the questions he asked next. It was not worth stressing over as much as I did!" More from this Member | Report Response

"This interview was awesome and made me like SCO even more!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Good interview - really felt like I bonded with the professor that interviewed me. Every piece of the day was helpful (file review with the admissions guy, interview with a professor, tour, and financial aid/housing meeting)." More from this Member | Report Response

"I was thoroughly impressed by the school and clinic." More from this Member | Report Response

"Very conversational style interview. However, how you answer the questions steer the interview/conversation. Relax!" More from this Member | Report Response

"I loved everything about my interview, even losing my voice because I felt it really showed the hospitality and sincerity of everyone at SCO. I am enrolled in the Class of 2015! If anyone has other questions, feel free to PM me." More from this Member | Report Response

"No need to be nervous, the interview day is set up to be as comfortable as possible for the interviewees. Just be yourself!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Relax and enjoy yourself! The interview was VERY conversational." More from this Member | Report Response

"Great School.. but not in a great area." More from this Member | Report Response

"Awesome people at the school and everyone in town is super helpful and friendly. Probably the friendliest city I've been in." More from this Member | Report Response

"Interviewer did not make me feel nervous at all. The whole interview went by pretty fast because how relaxed the environment was. The Eye Center is pretty awesome. " More from this Member | Report Response

"Everyone was so friendly, do not be intimidated at all. You really get a feel for the school, although the tour is overly long. The clinic is AMAZING. You would definitely get good exposure to patients." More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview was very conversational and interesting. I had a great day, overall." More from this Member | Report Response

"The 11 hour drive wasn't very fun but my experience made up for the drive. Just be yourself in the interview. " More from this Member | Report Response

"The tour lasted an hour and a half, the interview was laid back. The experience was enjoyable. The city is nice in the right places." More from this Member | Report Response

"Just be yourself at SCO. They are as real as people come, so they will be able to see right through you if you are not genuine or sincere." More from this Member | Report Response

"I was very impressed! Random students who I'd never met were genuinely friendly and seemed very honest about what they liked AND didn't like about studying optometry. I didn't feel like it was an infomercial or anything like that! ALSO, Holiday Inn Express, Medical Center is 2 blocks away from the school. It was SO nice not having to wait for a taxi when I was ready to go interview!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Stay relaxed, be yourself. The interview was like a conversation, so don't stress." More from this Member | Report Response

"Very impressive school, interview was VERY laid back. There were 3 of us interviewing at the same time, we initially talked with an admissions rep about our applications to make sure they were complete, then went to a session on financial aid. Then we went on a tour which was about an hour and a half, then interviewed. They scheduled an hour for the interview but I think mine was about 40 min of just a general conversation, nothing really tricky. They we had a session on housing in Memphis. " More from this Member | Report Response

"There were four of us in the group, plus four parents (2 from 2 different interviewees). When I arrived a second year student was there getting some of the free food and just hanging out in waiting area talking to the staff and the interviewees. The Dean of Students later came out and just engaged in casual conversation while we individually met with someone on staff to review our files to make sure they were complete and accurate. Then we went on a tour, had the finance talk, then we did our interviews, then we had our housing talk. The whole process took about 4 hours. It was very relaxed and laid back. I enjoyed it." More from this Member | Report Response

"very relaxed with a very welcoming and friendly environment; everyone seemed honest about the school and what they do and don't like; almost all students and faculty were willing to help answer questions or tell me about the school" More from this Member | Report Response

"The interview is very laid back, mainly just a conversation, so there's no need to be nervous!" More from this Member | Report Response

"I absolutely fell in love with SCO! I had heard so many good things about the clinic already, but I was still very impressed. The clinic at my other interview was nothing compared to it. The people were so nice and there seems to be a lot of things that you can do in memphis. Just be yourself during the interview. It was very laid back but there were some questions that you really had to think about. SCO rocks!!" More from this Member | Report Response

"I really liked the school. The faculty seemed to really care and wanted to make sure you were making the right decision; they didn't just say what you wanted to hear to make the school sound more superior to other schools" More from this Member | Report Response

"The interviewer took me to a small room and we basically just talked. He made me feel very comfortable and relaxed." More from this Member | Report Response

"It was great! Dr. Damari ran through his list of questions but it was very conversational so I didn't feel intimidated. It lasted almost an hour but it didn't feel that long at all. The student ambassadors did a great job giving the tour, and answering our questions. I also learned a bunch from the housing and financial aid sessions. All in all it was a good afternoon!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Very good." More from this Member | Report Response

"1) An admissions counselor goes over your application with you, just to make sure you and the school are in agreement with what has all been received by the college. 2) Group tour 3) Financial aid session with the group 4) Individual interviews 5) Housing session The interviews are very casual. They just want to make sure you are genuinely interested in optometry, and that you have the academic qualities to succeed in optometry school, as well as the personal qualities to interact with a wide variety of patients." More from this Member | Report Response

"Fairly informal and relaxed, seemed more like a conversation than an interview." More from this Member | Report Response

Tour and Travel

Who was the tour given by?

Response # Responders
Student 42
Faculty member 0
Admissions staff 1
Other 0

How did the tourguide seem?

Response # Responders
Enthusiastic 40
Neutral 3
Discouraging 0

How do you rank the facilities?

Response Avg # Responders
9.12 42

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your in-state status?

Response # Responders
In state 6
Out of state 36

What was your total time spent traveling?

Response # Responders
0-1 hour 0
2-3 hours 3
4-6 hours 14
7+ hours 26

What was your primary mode of travel?

Response # Responders
Airplane 17
Automobile 24
Train or subway 1
Other 0

What airport did you use?


Memphis International Airport

Memphis International

Little Rock



Where did you stay?

Response # Responders
At school facility 0
With students at the school 1
Friends or family 5
Hotel 35
Home 1
Other 0

What is the name of the hotel you stayed in?

Hampton Inn Medical Center

Hampton Inn Memphis-Medical Center Midtown

Motel 6

Knights Inn

Holiday Inn Express (2 blocks from SCO!)


Holiday Inn Express - Medical Center

Hotel Inn Select - Memphis Airport

Holiday Inn Express

Courtyard Marriot

Holiday Inn Express , Medical Center

Red Roof Inn

Homestead Studio on Poplar in East Memphis

Gen X Inn

Holiday Inn Express - @ Medical Center - only 2 blocks from the school!

Double Tree


Would you recommend the hotel?

Hampton Inn Medical Center

Hampton Inn Memphis-Medical Center Midtown

Motel 6

Knights Inn

Holiday Inn Express (2 blocks from SCO!)


Holiday Inn Express - Medical Center

Hotel Inn Select - Memphis Airport

Holiday Inn Express

Courtyard Marriot

Holiday Inn Express , Medical Center

Red Roof Inn

Homestead Studio on Poplar in East Memphis

Gen X Inn

Holiday Inn Express - @ Medical Center - only 2 blocks from the school!

Double Tree


About how much did you spend on room, food, and travel?

Response # Responders
< $100 2
$101-$200 8
$201-$300 4
$301-$400 6
$401-$500 7
$501+ 11

Comments on where you stayed

No responses

General Info

How do you rank this school among other schools to which you've applied?

Response Avg # Responders
8.96 47

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your ranking of this school's location?

Response Avg # Responders
6.06 48

0 = low, 10 = high

What is your ranking of this area's cultural life?

Response Avg # Responders
7.21 48

0 = low, 10 = high

How is the responsiveness of the admissions office?

Response Avg # Responders
9.65 37

0 = low, 10 = high

How is the friendliness of the admissions office?

Response Avg # Responders
9.70 37

0 = low, 10 = high

How eco-friendly are the school's application materials and interview process?

Response Avg # Responders
7.15 33

0 = low, 10 = high

What are your suggestions for the admissions office?

"None, great job all around" More from this Member | Report Response

"They're super on top of it!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Maybe a small breakfast. But other than that the interview day was fantastic." More from this Member | Report Response

"None, I had a great experience" More from this Member | Report Response

"I thought they did an excellent job." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing. They did an excellent job." More from this Member | Report Response

"None, they do a fantastic job of making everybody feel welcome." More from this Member | Report Response

"They do a great job at keeping in touch with applicants and making it a personalized process." More from this Member | Report Response

"All other optometry admissions offices should take a note from Southern. They are by far the most helpful, knowledgable and pleasant to speak with. They are extremely personable." More from this Member | Report Response

"Keep up the great work!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing. They were great!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Very nice!" More from this Member | Report Response

"Keep up the good work! So impressed with admissions! Very Helpful." More from this Member | Report Response

"Nothing they were grrrrreat" More from this Member | Report Response

"I felt very welcome when I came to the school. The admissions office blew me away." More from this Member | Report Response

"Fantastic job letting applicants know the status of their application and VERY friendly!" More from this Member | Report Response

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