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60+ minutes
At the school
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Closed file
"Why pharmacy school?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"They really didn't ask any questions. The interview was a group interview with about 10 people and they only asked why you wanted to go to pharmacy school." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read over web site so I would have questions to ask the dean and interviewer." Report Response
"Small school" Report Response
"They spent about 2 hours going over finacial aid and student housing which seemed to be somthing that would be better off explain during orientation." Report Response
"It will be extremely hard to find a place to live near school. There are million dollar homes that surround the school so I will have to commute." Report Response
"First the dean comes in a talks about the school in a room with about 30 other applicants, then you do a writting sample (mine was what would you do if you were a first year student in lecture and someone was talking which disrupted your ability to hear the lecture) , then we broke off in to groups of about 10 applicants with 1 faculty member who again told us about the school and asked why we wanted to go to pharmacy school - it was basicly just a Q&A session. Then we had a financial aid and student housing presentation and campus tour." Report Response
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