2 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"If you joined a club/organization here at pharmacy school, would you consider taking on a leadership role?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What about pharmacy school interests you the most?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Essay Question: Prescription drugs can be purchased in Canada for less money than in the USA. Is it okay to allow senior citizens and other groups from our country to purchase prescriptions from Canada?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What's an important quality you think a pharmacist should have?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What's your biggest weakness? How is it a weakness? How is it a strength?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read other interview experiences on SDN" Report Response
"Admissions staff were really friendly and laid back. They made everyone feel at ease about the interview and the whole process in general." Report Response
"Pharmacy school doesn't have its own building. They're tearing the dorm down after this year. To get to class, you have to park a few miles away and take a shuttle bus." Report Response
"How many people would be there! I walked into a room full of between 40 and 50 applicants. Half of us did the essay while half of us were interviewed, and then vice versa." Report Response
"Great! There's a few negative points about the school, but I really liked the attitude of the faculty and staff, and that to me is important. All the interviewers were only 5-10 years older than me (i'm 19), so that was cool. The questions during the interview were basic, and they told us beforehand nobody was going to try to trick us or catch us on any questions. Then I did the essay, but they only wanted a paragraph or two. They gave us a packet of financial aid forms at the end....thanks, i'll need em!" Report Response
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