3 out of 10
60+ minutes
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Open file
" Tell me your views regarding bioethics" Report Response | I was asked this question too
" What type of medicine do you think you will pursue" Report Response | I was asked this question too
" Tell me about your background" Report Response | I was asked this question too
" " Report Response | I was asked this question too
" A bioethics question in response to a class I had taken" Report Response | I was asked this question too
" Knew my application, SDN feedback, Touro webpage" Report Response
" The friendliness of the admissions staff, in particular Dr. Haight. The anatomy lab, nice peaceful location, close to the water. I was very impressed by the caliber of the students I interviewed with - they were very accomplished and friendly." Report Response
" The fact that there is no med. center, the facilities were very sparce (although the anatomy lab was great). I really enjoyed Dr. Haight although it doesn't make sense that the school saves students money by not requiring a secondary if they don't stand a chance, but then they turn around and demand 2,000 dollars (non-refundable) to hold a place. It seems very hypocritical and a large burden to place on students when they know that we could be waiting on other schools." Report Response
" I had formed a negative opinion of the school via responses on this website, however I believe a very solid medical education could be acheived at this college." Report Response
" There were five students to four interviewers, and we basically went in turn answering the various questions. It was really interesting to hear other applicants respond to questions - although I started to compare myself with them and worried about how I would look next to them." Report Response
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