5 out of 10
50 minutes
At the school
In a group
Open file
"Why DO when your family is all MDs? Since you come from an MD family...what would you say to your family and other MDs about the DO philosophy to help them in their practices?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"You said a doctor must be both honest and diplomatic...these words contradict...explain." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why DO? Why TUCOM versus DO schools in your state? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Since you come from an MD family...what would you say to your family and other MDs about the DO philosophy to help them in their practices?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"You said a doctor must be both honest and diplomatic...these words contradict...explain." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN" Report Response
"Dr. Haight, current students, anatomy lab, and even though I thought I would hate it the group interview was really good. When the interviewers put you on the spot, the other interviewees are the ones cheering you on. It really chills out the whole process. " Report Response
"Mare Island, other facilities, and that you only get like 4 questions in the interview" Report Response
"The Las Vegas situation, that the stats they give you about the acceptance rates are not true, and that despite what the website claims there is NO early clinical experience!" Report Response
"I don't want to repeat what everyone else said, so I'll keep it brief. Dr. Haight does rock! Mare Island does suck! But all-in-all I really liked the school. The students are all so freakin nice, and they all seem pretty pleased with their decison to be at TUCOM. MY ADVICE to people interviewing is to not get too relaxed after meeting Dr. Haight. He tends to boost your ego, so when you get to the interview you get sideswiped. Also, don't believe that the interviewers won't ask you about MCAT, GPA, and personal issues (like Dr. Haight assures). Because everyone in my interview group (all 8 of us) got asked about low MCAT scores, GPA or what other schools we applied to. One of my interviewers even told one girl she probably shouldn't pursue medicine!!! " Report Response
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