8 out of 10
40 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Do you know how much you the little "bodega" on 10th avenue pays per employee for health insurance? Do you know how much I pay to provide my secretary with health insurance?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Where will the government get the money to pay for national health care? By cutting back on spending where? Iraq? " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Have you heard back from any other schools? (This was towards the end of a thoroughly awful interview experience and I told him flat out that I had already been accepted at a higher ranked school, thank you very much.)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me what you did in your free time growing up. Being a lifelong New Yorker, I can't imagine how boring it must be to grow up anywhere else. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Where is medicine headed? And tons of follow up questions--the guy would not drop the subject, even though it was clear that I had said all I wanted to say. He seemed to enjoy torturing me with questions I had no answer to." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"read nyu website, interview feedback" Report Response
"students seem pretty happy and stress-free, but we only met first and second years, I couldn't tell what 3rd and 4th years would be like" Report Response
"Facilities are old and tour only consisted of the lecture hall, pbl rooms, anatomy lab and dorms--no hospitals--didn't even get to see the "awesome" Bellevue hospital; my interviewer did not do a very good job selling me on the school, he was very antagonistic--if that's what the faculty at NYU is like, I have no desire to learn from them; although the students were nice, I felt like the interview overall was a waste of time. I didn't learn anything that wasn't already on the NYU website. Definitely not worth getting up early on a Saturday morning in the middle of a snowstorm for." Report Response
"That the interviewer would be such an asshole and that I would have been better off canceling the interview." Report Response
"There was no Dean welcoming the students, no financial aid session, no "Life in NYC" presentation, no student Q&A panel, no lunch (cuz it was a Saturday); basically, it was an interview and a tour. That was it. This was my 9th interview and I was expecting a lot more from NYU, especially since I know several people who go to school here and they all rave about the school. My interviewer was very arrogant and condescending. He challenged or dismissed every statement I made, I felt like I was defending myself from the very beginning, even in my choice of extracurriculars. This was definitely the most stressful interview I've had. Even if this was one of those interviews that test how you react under pressure, the entire day left such a bad taste in my mouth that I am 100% sure I will turn down NYU if I am offered an acceptance. Also, there was only one interviewer so I don't think that I will be getting a fair shot in front of the admissions committee. Overall, very poorly done. I was very disappointed with the experience." Report Response
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