No change
6 out of 10
6 out of 10
5 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Why Meharry?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why dentistry?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What do you want to do in dentistry (any specialties, etc)?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What is a unique characteristic bout yourself?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What do you know about Meharry? (I really didn't know that much b/c it was my first time seeing the school. I could only answer remembering things I have read and also heard)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, Meharry website, what I wrote on my AADSAS and secondary applications" Report Response
"My second interviewer was so cool; he really had a enthusiastic attitude which helped me to be calm. He seemed to be the only person who was truthful about the school, he admitted that the school had its problems (financially, etc.). Yet, he reassured me that Meharry was a wonderful place to be. Whe talked 15min over the alotted time." Report Response
"The school atmosphere seemed to be a little on the conceited side. I heard this statement so many times "Attending Meharry is a privelege and not a right." Also, everyone seemed to boast so much about the school, yet there wasn't anything to back up the big talk. I say, let your school speak for itself. I truly believe there is a thin line between conceit and confidence. One interviewer claimed that Meharry teaches dentist to be world-wide, but when I asked him what international trips the school conducts, he mentioned that the school only goes to the carribean islands! The last time I checked, there were more countries in the world... Also, while we were on the tour, a professor made a comment which gained a response from his class that made the interviewees feel so small. All I could think was "how rude and what a great way to represent your school!"" Report Response
"The school's location is in an area I am not comfortable with; students don't even live in the area. I wouldn't feel safe and would be totally concerned with security." Report Response
"At 8:30am, a group of 15 were taken to this small conference room and instructed to sit. The secretary of admissions talked to us, giving us her "tips and warnings" on how to do good on an interview. The day seemed to be going slow because the people who were supposed to talk to us couldn't make it, so all we heard was the secretary. We did get a good presentation on financial aid. The interviewers came to the room to get the interviewees. After the interview was done, the interviewee would be escorted back to the main conference room. While we ate, dental students talked to us and we were able to ask them questions. We had a 15min tour, which didn't show off anything, a lab here and there. Ended at 1:00pm. " Report Response
3 out of 10
Out of state
4-6 hours
1 out of 10
Millenium Maxwell House
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