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At the school
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"nothing" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"worth" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"mentioning" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I really wasn't asked that many questions. Seriously. It was a chore to stretch this sucker to twenty minutes, and even then I was waiting for my interviewer to start hitting me with some questions, so imagine my surprise when he started to send me on my way. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why New York? It wasn't particularly hard, but out of the four or so questions, it was the hardest..." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, read my app, read up on the new Medicare bill" Report Response
"I got the sense that the students really do work together and help each other out. Hey, Pass/Fail...why shouldn't they? Alot of people on here seem to feel the facilities weren't quite shiny enough, but I didn't have a problem. " Report Response
"Frostbite." Report Response
"I wouldn't have prepared for my interview at all, had I known what it would be like. But I'm sure not all the interviewers are the same way." Report Response
"I really wasn't asked that many questions. Seriously. It was a chore to stretch this sucker to twenty minutes, and even then I was waiting for my interviewer to start hitting me with some questions, so imagine my surprise when he started to send me on my way. It seemed like my interviewer had more or less come to a decision before I even met him. Whatever that decision ultimately is, I don't think anything happened during this interview that will sway his mind. We talked a little bit about the school, but I didn't really have that many questions that needed answering, so once that bit was over, it was basically time to go. This isn't to say that he was antagonistic or anything. He was hard to read, though. The tour was pretty good. Run by a couple of nice first-years, who both seemed very happy with their experience thus far. Of course, that's how these things usually go. But I got a good vibe from the place, and could definitely see myself going there." Report Response
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