4 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
Open file
"What do you think it will take to get the African American community to maintain/create a better standard of health (going for check-ups, proper diet, better healthcare, etc)?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about why you want to be a doctor" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What will be the two major issues affecting health care in the next five years?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"As a re-applicant, what have you done in the recent year to improve your application and why have you not taken any additional coursework?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"re-read my AMCAS, talked with two friends that are first year md students, prayer, and thinking of what points I wanted to emphasize during my interview." Report Response
"Happiness and warm reception of student body. The SNMA VP came to give me a tour of the school. Apparently it was her first time giving a tour but she was so thorough I had no idea it was her first time until she told me. After we came back to the waiting room in time for lunch all the interviewees convened into one meeting room to talk with the students. My interviewer, Mr. Wright, is a very nice gentleman and made me feel very comfortable during the interview. At NJmed you have the opportunity to have early clinical exposure and get involved with the community in various ways. Also the student body seems very diverse. NJmed undergoing a lot of new changes to its curriculum and its received alot of funding within the last year to open up a new institute for humanism. I think there's also some construction going on to build a new dental school and add on a new parking lot." Report Response
"Leave early to provide yourself ample time to arrive early for your interview. I was able to arrive 5 minutes early but only because I left home REALLY early. I got lost on campus trying to find my way through the hospital from 1st stree and 12th ave. " Report Response
"impressive." Report Response
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