1 out of 10
9 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"I just want to note again that I would be hard pressed to think of 3 questions that were asked of me that did not have answers already in my file. I hope this is a good sign that my file said it all and they were just checking to make sure I wasn't a freak as opposed to a bad sign that they were just not interested? ;)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I actually was not asked many questions about myself at all. Perhaps "So, what do you do when you aren't studying?" or "Are you really as good as they say you are?" (I sure hope that I am but highly doubt it ;))" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read SDN...Was hosted overnight by a great student...Talked about the school with that student" Report Response
"The students. They all had such great things to say about the school. The city. What a great place to be for medical school. The building going on...They are in the process of improvement--what a great thing to be a part of! And I'm not going to lie...I really like the neck lanyard that they gave out because it was purple. Also, all of the people that interviewed on the same day as me seemed really really nice. I'd love to be in a class with them!" Report Response
"I'm afraid of getting lost in the city...Also the coffee is very expensive for me in the lobby but I know there are cheaper places to get it ;)" Report Response
"That NYU is so great! What on earth is everyone talking about on these other interview feedbacks!?!?" Report Response
"It was so relaxed. I spent most of the time asking my interviewer questions!" Report Response
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