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3 out of 10
35 minutes
At a regional location
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"What are the types of problems you think you will face as a future physician?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
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"My interview day at Drexel was overall not the best. I had an idea about the day from reading this survey and SDN. The essay was given at the beginning of the day and wasn't hard at all, so don't worry about that too much. So my faculty interview was at the adjacent campus in Central City so I had to take a campus shuttle. My interviewer was over a half an hour late because he was tending to patients and basically hinted the whole interview that I was good but not good enough. Then I was late coming back to campus and my student interviewer was nice but we ended up finishing up an hour after the scheduled end of the day, which was a little annoying. Overall, I didn't feel very welcome at Drexel, like I wasn't good enough and didn't sense a warm feeling from the students." Report Response
Admissions staff
7 out of 10
Out of state
7+ hours
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5 out of 10
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3 out of 10
6 out of 10
6 out of 10
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4 out of 10
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