2 out of 10
8 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
In a group
Open file
"-" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"-" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"-" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Pretty much all of they questions they asked me and the other interviewees came from our applications, personal statement, experiences/research. Know these and you'll be fine. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"-" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Reviewed primary and secondary apps, SDN, mock interviews. (read the previous entry to get a good idea of the school)." Report Response
"Anatomy lab- they have a really good anatomy lab and air circulation system. They had all the bodies out and yet I couldn't smell anything. " Report Response
"Most students lived off campus, which is a good 10-15+ minute drive away...so you definitely need a car." Report Response
"If you take the Evans bus, it drops you off at the Holiday Inn, which is a good 10 minute walk up hill to the Best Western. Also, STAND OUTSIDE the hotel for the bus...the bus driver left us at the hotel and we ended up having to rent a limo to get to the airport. " Report Response
"Overall, my interview experience at TUCOM was surprisingly more relaxed than I expected it to be. Dr. Haight did a really good job of explaining the interview process and even asked us mock interview questions and gave good interview tips before we interviewed. Both students and faculty were extremely nice and the interview was low stress. Also to clarify about their group interview: although you are interviewing with a group of people, the interviewers don't pose one question to the group...they ask each candidate individual questions so don't worry about having to compete with other candidates. I also recommend meeting the other students at the hotel before going to TUCOM, even if you're not staying there. Dr. Haight gave us a lot more information and prep tips than at the school." Report Response
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