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Interview Feedback

Individual Response

  • Oklahoma State University Center for Health Sciences College of Osteopathic Medicine
  • Osteopathic Medical School
  • Tulsa, OK
Overall Experience

How did the interview impress you?


What was the stress level of the interview?

6 out of 10

How you think you did?

8 out of 10


How long was the interview?

25 minutes

Where did the interview take place?

At the school

How many people interviewed you?


What was the style of the interview?

In a group

What type of interview was it?

Closed file

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 1)?

"What do you know about OMT?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 2)?

"If you could look into a crystal ball and see your life in 15 years, what would you see?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What is one of the specific questions they asked you (question 3)?

"Have you had a favorite professor or a professor that has had a major impact on you? Why?" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most interesting question?

""Your family seems to be very important to you. How would you describe their impact on you?"" Report Response | I was asked this question too

What was the most difficult question?

"The general stuff: "Tell us about yourself starting whenever you wish."" Report Response | I was asked this question too

How did you prepare for the interview?

"Read up on current events, reviewed my application, and talked to other students" Report Response

What impressed you positively?

"That students, faculty and staff made an effort to drop into the interview holding room to chat with the prospective students. It made me feel very welcome. " Report Response

What impressed you negatively?

"Nothing" Report Response

What did you wish you had known ahead of time?

"That there really is no need to stress. It is very relaxed. The interviewers are more interested in learning about you than tripping you up on a difficult question. " Report Response

What are your general comments?

"Group of 8 prospective students interviewed. The day starts with the interviews, then lunch, a tour, and finally some presentations about courses and financial aid." Report Response

Tour and Travel

Who was the tour given by?


General Info

On what date did the interview take place?


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