1 out of 10
35 minutes
At the school
Open file
"Why did you chose to go to an undergraduate school that was so far from home?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about X volunteering activity." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about your thesis project." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If you could change one thing about the health care system, what would it be?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What was the hardest decision that you have had to make in your life?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, NYU website" Report Response
"The tour--it was significantly more extensive than any other tour I have been on. We went to the anatomy labs (and saw the cadavers up close and personal), talked to professors in many of the rooms we passed, toured the ER, and got a good look at dorm life, the classrooms, and Bellevue Hospital." Report Response
"The interview length--they are supposed to take 30 minutes, which doesn't seem like enough time to make yourself and your opinions know. Furthermore, the two people who also interviewed with my interviewer (a dean) only took about 30 minutes whereas some other students with different interviewers took up to an hour.. Doesn't seem quite fair.. Also the tour guides seemed to think the way to recruit was to talk about all the "pimped out" parties as opposed to the academic life. While I completely love the fact the NYU students have good social lives, I came because I wanted to learn about the school." Report Response
"Bellevue is really amazing. Plus, NYU is affiliated with the VA hospital and a private hospital (Tish). Thus, you really see three walks of life and three different systems. I think this opportunity is missed at some of the other NYC schools." Report Response
"I arrived for an interview at 10. Don't let the interview information email fool you-- there are no signs posted directing you to the dean's office for the interview, and the place is quite a maze. Basically you will have to ask police officers or custodians along the way. The interview took 30 minutes (very low stress and conversational), then there was a tour at 11-12 of the school, then lunch 12-1, and then a tour of Bellevue from 1-2. This schedule is a bit different for afternoon interviews." Report Response
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