5 out of 10
45 minutes
At the school
In a group
Open file
"In depth research question" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Again in depth research question" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Review research, went on NP interview day before" Report Response
"The HST students were nicer/more normal than the NP students, the class we attended was really fascinating" Report Response
"I wasn't thrilled about the long hours of class" Report Response
"There is a push for academic medicine, but they say openly they are proud of all their graduates including straight clinicians. The student interview is totally relaxed--he/she doesn't vote, they don't ask you any research questions, it really is for you." Report Response
"This was an HST interview. I was pretty nervous and at lunch some of the students scared me, because they were like cite all the research papers you read related to your research going on at other labs. Plus there are three interviewers for just you. :) It really wasn't that intense. Of course, we spoke at length about my research, also about what lead me to medicine and my undergraduate experiences as a leader. Then they asked me if I had any questions for them. The day started with pathology lab at 10:45-noon. Then lunch at the snack bar place. Then an orientation/discussion of HST ideology, curriculum, etc. Then I had a panel interview and then a group and I was out of there by 3:45. Some had to stay until pretty late though. The staff in the HST office are incredibly nice!" Report Response
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