2 out of 10
7 out of 10
60+ minutes
At the school
Open file
"What do your parents do?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why medicine?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"How do you handle stress?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"all the questions were standard...there were no curve balls" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"see above" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN, read school website, amcas" Report Response
"everyone at the school was VERY nice, the student tour guides were very helpful and they seemed very happy to be at downstate and not too stressed" Report Response
"There were no surprises-but I live nearby so I knew the neighborhood and knew about the school" Report Response
"My interview was really nice...as mentioned he did have a list of questions and at times i felt like i was dictating answers for him to write on his notepad and had to repeat myself a few times or talk slowly so he would have time to write...he also seemed to try to re-word my answers so they would sound better to the admissions committee...the interiew was very long and be prepared to give details on all your extracurrics" Report Response
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