4 out of 10
7 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"none, just a conversation. the interviewer was strange and wouldn't ask questions or bring up topics himself. he seemed very bored/detached with me, but apparently he acted that way with all the people he interviewed." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"read SDN, read AMCAS app and secondary for NYU" Report Response
"the students i met were VERY enthusiastic. the school does a lot to subsidize taking advantage of the city(sponsoring parties after each exam, discount on theater tickets, etc). the students are very involved in outside activities - they seem to have a life outside of school. the school is in a great area of new york. i came in not knowing much about the school, but i left being very impressed and excited about it." Report Response
"the facilities aren't the best. the exams come in stressful blocks." Report Response
"that the interview would be conversational" Report Response
"interviewed first, sat in a room for a while talking to students that dropped by, went on a student-run tour of the dorms, classrooms, and bellevue hospital" Report Response
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