9 out of 10
1 out of 10
7 out of 10
40 minutes
At the school
Closed file
"why med?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"what will be ur legacy when you're old" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What will be your legacy when you're old?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
", interview books, reviewed personal statement" Report Response
"students, and MOST of staff (see summary)" Report Response
"my interviewer (see summary)" Report Response
"A lot of people say that the UA interview is laidback and conducted by the friendliest staff. I am sure most of them are. MOST of them. I was unfortunetly interviewed by one who was not so nice. This man was bitter and distrusting. As I explained about why I wanted to go into medicine, the man stared me down, as if he was trying to pick out my littlest flaws. I did not get any reaction from him (neither a nod or a smile) as I finished my story. Throughout the interview, he seemed to believe that all of my achievements were simply things to say to impress the committee. He told me that getting into medical school is a game, and that people do things to make themselves look good in order to fool the committee into letting them in. "Sometimes, if they're good enough, we get fooled" he said. My reaction was a little bit of shock because the man was practically accusing me of wrongdoing. He then told me straight up, "We're not dumb." The interview continued as I struggled to defend myself. At one point, when I brought up the fact that physicians should love working with patients, he coldly replied "I hate patients." I knew at this point that I had no shot of getting in. There was no point in expressing compassion to a man that hates patients. Eventually, after a grueling 40 minutes, he ended the interview without asking if I had any questions. He walked out of his office and left me to find my way back, alone. I am sure that this doesn't happen to all applicants. After all, there are over 100 interviewers. I just happened to get the prick. How unlucky huh? I hope yours wont be as bad as mine." Report Response
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