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"We're under a gag order from UofT. Suffice it to say that if you get the wrong interviewer, accept my most heartfelt sympathies..." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"I bettered myself as a human being, SDN, reading on medical practice, healthcare, CanMEDS 2000, medical ethics reading, Hastings Institute site on health policy, PBS site on financial crises of medical systems in North America" Report Response
"In spite of living an hour away from campus, an early Sunday morning drive only took 45 mins." Report Response
"Awful interviewers. Student leaders of the interview proceedings were foul-mouthed and a little too insouciant about our life-altering interview day. Also, I've seen nicer facilities at almost every school I visited." Report Response
"That my interviewers would be adversarial the whole way through." Report Response
"Bad." Report Response
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