3 out of 10
6 out of 10
6 out of 10
45 minutes
At the school
Closed file
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"This was MMI style interview so I read about this style online, ethical dilemmas and topics as well as did mock interviews with friends" Report Response
"The way admissions committee made us feel so welcomed out there during the interview day and how warm everyone else was." Report Response
"It hard to gauge from the MMI style how I performed and some of the scenarios that we had to discuss were definitely challenging." Report Response
"Different components to each scenario that we were asked to discuss during the MMIs." Report Response
"Be prepared to think a bit during the interview and answer everything in a consistent manner. Don't let the time frame dissuade you from finishing your discussion with your interviewee." Report Response
7 out of 10
In state
0-1 hour
No Response
No Response
No Response
5 out of 10
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7 out of 10
9 out of 10
9 out of 10
7 out of 10
8 out of 10
7 out of 10
"To get back to their interviewees a bit quicker in giving out final decisions as its nerve wrecking for us to wait so long after the the interview to hear back from them" Report Response
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