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"What will you do if you don't get in this year?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"They just asked me specifics about my volunteering" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Have you had any clinical experiences? Do you know that medicine is right for you? Why medicine?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"There wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Alot of questions came from my application, they just wanted me to elaborate on some of my extracurrics. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why medicine? I prepared an answer for this, but when time came I kinda fumbled my words a bit. I would suggest practicing the answer to this question out loud." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Read over my AMCAS and secondaries, I asked a friend who is a doctor what were some current issues he was facing as a physician." Report Response
"Everyone was so nice and friendly, lot of cute girls too. Dr. Eubanks opened up the meeting with a 20 minute speech on how LSU is coming back stronger than ever and that our clinical experiences will be great, if not better, than before." Report Response
"Everything seemed kind of rushed, but I'm sure they were on a tight schedule." Report Response
"I interviewed in Baton Rouge, so there was nothing there to discover" Report Response
"Drove to Baton Rouge in the morning to interview. There were 4 of us total. Dr Eubanks spoke for about 15-20 minutes on the status of LSU. Had two one-on-one intervieww, then went home. The whole thing took about an hour. My only comment would be to never judge the actual time you spend interviewing as a measure of how well you did. My first interview was about 15 minutes long and I had a great time, but my second interview with Dr. Eubanks was like 5 minutes. I fumbled over some words b/c I was nervous. He got up to adjust his seat and I thought he was showing me to the door, so I stood up too! Then after an awkward moment of silence, I sat back down. The last part of the interiew he was telling me how great an applicant I was, but it's hard to tell how the committee will vote, and that if I had any plans if I didn't get in. I pretty much thought right there he was telling me to re-apply, but after about two months of waiting - I got my acceptance letter!" Report Response
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