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6 out of 10
30 minutes
At the school
Open file
"How did having a parent in the medical profession shape your decision to go into medicine?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why NYU over Columbia?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"This was my fifth interview, so nothing really." Report Response
"the students (except the tour guide) seemed really friendly" Report Response
"The tour guide was unenthusiastic so the tours seemed more useless than usual, the day was so short that we didn't really get a chance to interact much with fellow applicants or med students, no orientation or information about the school from the admissions staff and seems like a bit of a party school which I'm not into. If I didn't live in NYC I would have really felt like I had just wasted my time flying out for such a short day." Report Response
"Very short day, as I've already said. As soon as I got to the admissions office, my interviewer came and got me. The interview was very short and very conversational. After that, there was about 30 minutes downtime until the first tour, which wasn't that interesting, since it felt we were being led from place to place really quickly with little explanation. Then lunch with some med students and the mini-tour of Bellevue(really mini, we literally walked by a few patients in the ICU, which I felt was sort of random). The End." Report Response
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