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35 minutes
At the school
Open file
"why dentistry? Asked about personal statement." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Asked about research. Asked about DAT score and how I prepared for it?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"nothing too interesting...everything was just basic interview type questions" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Tell me about yourself....I did well but I just hate this question" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"SDN...personal statement...school website" Report Response
"The facilities were amazing...curriculum as well...the books are all on CD...and the faculty are great with the exception of a couple...." Report Response
"The enormity of the building....going up and down all day in that building would probably get me fatiqued after a while but hey...I think it is well worth it...Oh tuition is off-da-hook ($75,000 per year) this is just the budget but damn...I guess one would hope to find someone who is a relative or friend to live for free or for 500 a month. Budget for cost of living is between 17K and 21K at approximately 1500 to 3000 dollars per month rent. Lot's of sacrifice. But don't let this be the deciding factor. " Report Response
"you would think that NYC cab drivers know where they are going and understand a bit of english...but this guy was horrible...also how expensive the hotels were and how noisy the city can get. Expensive Expensive Expensive" Report Response
"The interview was wonderful...I read SDN before and it made me a bit scared to go for my interview, but I had a really good time with my interviewer...she made me feel really relaxed and she didn't ask any difficult questions. She actually told me that the questions she was asking were hard and that I was answering them very well. The interview started out with questions but after a while we were laughing and just having wonderful conversation. It is either I was fortunate to have a wonderful interviewer or I was just on point that day because things went very well." Report Response
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