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"What is the most negative thing you'll have to overcome to be a good ____(can't remember if he said ''doctor'' or ''med student'' but I answered as though he said ''doctor.''" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"The club question from above." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why DO?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"If TUCOM was a brand new school and I was part of the first entering class. What kind of student club would I start. (All 5 of us were asked this same question.)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"The club question." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Review my application, SDN, Andrew Still biography." Report Response
"Dr. Haight, OMM lab, anatomy lab, unbelievable sense of community." Report Response
"The smell of my own fear." Report Response
"Eat a bigger breakfast, bring a snack - my stomach growled. Often and loudly. Also, wish I had known the set up: 10 people in cohort divided into 2 groups of 5 for the interview." Report Response
"It was fabulous. Dr. Haight was phenomonal- candid, kind, informative, instructive, and funny. He was incredibly forthcoming about our chances of getting in. They interview 20 people per week and the admissions committee meets every two weeks to vote on 40 candidates at a time. Based on the # of seats they have, up until around winter break, Dr. Haight is able to say ''you can accept all 40 candidates'' (which never happens.) But soon after winter break, he has to start rationing seats and has to tell the admissions committee ''of the 40 folks you interviewed, we can only accept two.'' So try to get in early! Check out the ''interview cancellation'' thread in the Premedical Forum. If you see an earlier slot at a school where you have an interview, call the school and take it. " Report Response
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