2 out of 10
35 minutes
At the school
In a group
Closed file
"What would you do if your manager takes credit from your sales?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What would you do if your roommate is slobby?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What would you do if your dad is having an affair with my mom? ( I wished :) ) seriously, What would you do if you have a presentation tomorrow and you don't feel ready?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What would you do if your roommate is slobby (messy)?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"What would you do if you have gotten and interview and your close friend has not gotten interview, and you want to tell him that you got interview." Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Going through examples of my life that I am proud of. and getting interview questions from here and there and trying to matching/change these examples to fit the questions. Had a few mock interview as well. " Report Response
"the equipments." Report Response
"the interviewer who couldn't speak proper English and everytime I had to ask him to repeat the question." Report Response
"Nothing" Report Response
"I was sitted to close to the interviewers and I was able to perfectly see what they are giving me as score. They all gave me 3 and 4's. no 5 :( and they were quite cold as well. The shock: They said "ok the interview is finished, and we will inform by April 29, so take care!" I said "Actually I have a couple of questions, may I ask them?". They said "NO!!!". @#$(*^%@" Report Response
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