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"What was the last book you read?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Why do you want to attend Nova'a Dental School?" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Do you think you'd fit in well here in South Florida?...it is a very diverse location with advantages to 2nd language speakers. (I speak English, Portuguese, and some Spanish)" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Last book I read" Report Response | I was asked this question too
"really no difficult questions...just the basics...why Nova, one question about transcript, they gave me the opportunity to ask them questions. " Report Response | I was asked this question too
"Had questions written down that I could ask them. Dressed up in a nice suit and tie. Shaved, but not my legs (I'm a guy). Would recommend brushing your teeth before a dental school interview :-)." Report Response
"Beautiful facilities, beautiful school, amazing climate, friendly professors and administration (most of which really enjoy working there), students were positive about the program and location. Location is AWESOME!!!" Report Response
"NOTHING!...Seriously. Loved it, and still do." Report Response
"that i should have rented a car while here...there is so much to see while visiting. The beach is a must..." Report Response
"My interview experience was excellent. I was not a top applicant grade wise, but my DAT was good and do well with people, so my interview went well. I enjoyed visiting Nova and seeing how nice it is. I'm a student here now and I still think its great. I enjoyed taking my National Boards Part I after my first year (passed just fine). I think that is a GREAT idea. Excellent pre-clinic lab preparation." Report Response
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